Annual General Meeting of the CDHF was held at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, June 15th 2012 in the Education Room at Talarico Place.
Outgoing President, Nettie Stupnikoff welcomed guests and directors to the
Pictured in the photo above (left to right) – Secretary: Beverley Chernoff, President: Dan Salekin, Treasurer: Nettie Stupnikoff, and Vice President: Margaret Salmon.
She thanked all the Directors for their support during the year. The biggest event is “Light Up the Hospital” which is held annually on the first Friday of December which during that time we raise money for medical equipment needed at the Castlegar & District Community Health Centre and/or Talarico Place. Ez Rock sponsors this event.
The Foundation continues to raise money for 2 Space Lab Cardiac Monitors and 1 Life Pak 15 Crash Cart Monitor/Defibrillator. The Castlegar & District Hospital Auxiliary has pledged to purchase 1 Space Lab Cardiac Monitor and 1 CADD prism pump.
Thank you to all the donors who support our fund raising events.
The Foundation was sponsored by Mountain FM in March during Expo at Selkirk College. This was good exposure and information session for the community and for the Foundation.
Nettie thanked John Voykin for his many years of service to the Foundation. We appreciate his continued input and his guidance.
Thank you to the support staff Bonny Verigin, Secretarial and Sherley Gorkoff, Finances.
New Executive of the Foundation:
Dan Salekin – President/Director
Margaret Salmon – Vice President/Director
Beverley Chernoff – Secretary/Director
Nettie Stupnikoff – Treasurer/Director
Margaret Nickle – Past President/Director
Gil Heney – Castlegar & District Hospital Auxiliary Liaison/Director
Directors at large: John Voykin, Polly Chernoff, Joan Snyder, Caroline Kavaloff, Pat Klohn and Don Fodor